Thank you!

Vitamin C was started in January of this year, so... 1 year down! I want to thank all of you who have visited my blog, and even stuck around to read some things. 

A great many more of you have been here than I ever dreamed of. In truth, it is pretty much due to pinterest. My bleach doodle shirt has had over 2,000 visitors (since July) and the Blackboard of Blossoms has had a bit over 1,000 visitors (since June). 

I feel surprised and honored that so many of you were interested enough to follow the photo back to  my blog. 

Working on my 2012 Vitamin C!

2 creative thoughts:

LifeLessOrdinary { December 31, 2011 at 11:32 PM }
Kim, your bleach doodle shirt gets my attention every time I see it. I was inspired to make some personalized bleach shirts for my niece and nephew for Christmas (they loved them). But, I'm determined to make a bleach doodle shirt just like yours for ME! I even bought a pink shirt for it. I've just got to find the time to do it. THANK YOU for the great inspiration! Love your blog...
Kim { January 2, 2012 at 9:11 PM }
Awww, that is so great! It is good to make things for yourself once in awhile. GO for it!

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